West Central Intergroup (WCI) held its biennial elections on June 15, 2023. The elected officers shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. Each Officer will serve for a two year term. Any previous Officer or Committee Chairperson is eligible for nomination to an Officer position that they have not previously held.
We are happy to announce the following new officers serving until June 2025:
Debbie P, Chair
Birk S, Vice Chair
Rob C, Treasurer (treasurer@westcentralaa.org)
Caitlin L, Secretary (secretary@westcentralaa.org).
We would like to recognize and thank the outgoing officers for their service: Doug W Chair, Mike M Vice Chair, and Debbie P Treasurer.
As for the Board of Directors, three members are continuing another term; Dawn H, Tom F and Mark D. We would like to recognize and thank Sara V and Jim C
for their service on the Board.
Finally, we would like to thank Brigette F. for facilitating the elections. Brigette is our current Area 29 Chair.