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  • Read the August Issue of Grapevine
    Monthly newsletter The August Issue Of Grapevine Is Here! This month’s featured section is “Dating & Relationships.” Members share their experiences about sober dating and how their relationships have changed… Read More »
  • Grapevine Daily Quote
      July 15, 2024 “For my sake, as well as the well-being of the women I sponsor, I stay within what I know. I tell them I’m not a mother,… Read More »
  • Grapevine Daily Quote
      July 14, 2024 “In the years that lie just ahead Alcoholics Anonymous faces a supreme test – the great ordeal of its own prosperity and success. I think it… Read More »
  • Grapevine Daily Quote
      July 13, 2024 “I opened the door and walked into the warmth, the laughter, the acceptance, and the love that is AA. No one asked me who I was… Read More »
  • Grapevine Daily Quote
      July 12, 2024 “Humility … is a quiet place where I can keep enough perspective, and enough balance, to take my next small step up the clearly marked road… Read More »